Case 1:

• International finance and its managerial application.
• private wealth management.
• Global investment opportunity.
• Finance and technology.

Programme specialize in Finance
Provided a UK study tour for a group of one hundred and nineteen FMBA students from a very renowned Chinese Business School in the year 2014. Based on their financial background, the business study tour included financial and management related lectures in the London Business School and in the university of Cambridge, a visit to the London Metal Exchange and several company speeches from world-leading banks and companies in the financial industry.

Conducted a EU project for a group of thirty-three sub-branch managers from one of the big four Chinese national banks in the year 2014, visited schools in Germany and Switzerland. Managed a UK project for the same bank in the year of 2013, with a one-week course in the University of Oxford and several company visits in London, such as the London stock exchange.

Case 2:

• Luxurious goods management.
• Family business succession.
• Cross-sectoral integration and innovation.
• Finance and technology.

Programmes specialize in general business management
Organized a two-week study tour for a group of twenty-eight EMBA students from the top one university in the Zhejiang Province in the country of France, Switzerland and Germany in the year 2014. Visited companies in the The luxury goods industry and the wine industry in France, the hotel and finance sector in Switzerland, and the Advanced manufacturing and high-tech industry in Germany, etc.

Case 3:

• A new industry to support the elderly with technological connectivity
• Innovation and inheritance in the culinary culture.
• gTechnological innovation in the Internet age.
• Finance and technology.

Programmes specialize in Innovation and management
Organized a fifteen-day USA Programme for a group of twenty-four MBA students from the best university of ShanDong, China. By specializing in the field of innovation, this tour mainly conducted in the West of the US, contained classes in the University of Stanford, the University of California, Los Angeles, as well as company visits to high-growth and high-tech companies such as Google, Facebook and Tesla. To meet customer needs, we also help arranged a half-day lecture in Harvard Business School and in Columbia Business School respectively. The tour ended with a Sharon Forum in the New York with local Small and medium enterprises.

Places We Visited


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